The combination of RPA & conversation tools — is it possible?
RPA chatbot — bringing together the best from RPAs and conversational tools to improve customer experience on your channel.

Improvement of digital customer experience is not as easy as it seems
Customers want online services to be faster, more intuitive and adjusted to serve their needs. Shortcut tools often employed such as instructions, tutorials, or videos actually generate further frustration as they require more engagement time and long-lasting attention. Customers favour one streamlined and independent source of support to end the process fast. However, improving the customer experience on the channel is not as simple and fast as one might think, especially for big corporations.
Usually, making changes on advanced outsourced portals requires high costs linked to design, improvements, and all necessary testing. For this and other reasons, companies often prefer leaving their portals the way they are without enhancing their offer. That, as we know, has direct effects on the site functionality, and the perceived users’ experience, which in turn results in lower-income.
How do companies deal with these issues? Chats, simple conversational tools, RPA — they don’t always work
Companies use chats or conversational tools as additional interfaces, but they are usually passive when dealing with customer’s issues. Chat consultants are overwhelmed with inquiries and tickets, so they cannot always reply on time. Chatbots do not help much either, as they are usually programmed with a set number of replies available and cannot provide proactive support on the channel. For this reason, frustrated users ask to be connected directly with the agents without trying the potential of the chatbot. That causes a vicious circle.
Some companies consider RPA solutions. Indeed, RPAs are quite performative tools when used for back or middle office as they can be programmed to perform a set of defined routines and predictable tasks with consistency and speed. However, for this very reason, RPA solutions can work on the assigned tasks and cannot process dynamic decisions without considerable amounts of data. In short, RPA is not very flexible and cannot deal consistently with the different, specific problems experienced by users on the channels. While programming RPA, you can’t predict each possibility.
What if we mix RPA with a conversational tool to improve proactive support for your users? Our idea to the rescue!
Our idea is to mix the advantages of RPAs with conversational tools without involving changes on your current portal. Let me tell you some news about our current solution called Actionbot. We strive to develop the features that will enable our chatbot to monitor each user’s behaviour and step in, whenever needed. It can offer support and help customers through a smoother journey towards their goals: suggesting how to proceed with the process they are engaged in, suggesting what to write in a particular form, recognizing when items are missing, analyzing available data and asking additional questions to show the user what he is really looking for.
Let me present you a few examples of users’ struggles on the channel and how our features could tackle them:
We all have been there: you sit on your couch, go on the webpage of your internet provider/ bank/ favourite e-commerce to finalize a simple order or purchase. You struggle to do it, and after a few attempts, you finally give up and renounce your initial intention altogether.
Or you are a new employee, working remotely, obliged to use a CRM solution (e.g., Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics) of your organization or your business partner’s company, and you struggle with the usage of the solution.
Can you recall the feeling of frustration? Indeed, you are not alone, because your clients may have experienced the same. These businesses and services, as many others, constantly register a high number of interactions suddenly going offline. Actionbot can recognize your issues and offer you the needed support.
How our chatbot can help: Actionbot is programmed to help a customer, an employee, or a business partner when making a mistake or forgetting something in a form (showing how to fill it out correctly). The chatbot can intervene specifically, suggesting what to add and where to do it, as well as where to trace the information, the customer is looking for.
Another situation everyone experienced: you want to purchase a new pair of boots or a new shirt for your spouse or new jeans for your daughter. After a few minutes, you are overwhelmed with the number of products that appear on the portal, and you spend a long time going through items, as you don’t know what to choose.
How Actionbot can help: Actionbot can choose the right product and navigate the user within the channel leading to finalizing the purchase – all this is based on the user’s profile and preferences, as well as previous purchases.
Actionbot can adjust to the channel because it quickly learns the environment it’s installed on. So, you don’t need to make any changes besides injecting a little script.
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